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The Torch


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The official student-managed newspaper of Lane Community College is published every Thursday during Fall, Winter and Spring terms.

The Torch is an award-winning, student-produced, weekly campus newspaper with an average circulation of over 2,000. Published by authority of the Lane Community College Board of Education through the Media Commission, it is an autonomous newspaper free from censorship by the college administration, faculty, and student government.

The Torch serves three purposes: it provides news and information of importance and interest to Lane students and staff; serves as a learning laboratory for students of journalism, graphic arts, photography, publishing and advertising; and provides a communication channel for student commentary and debate. All Lane students may submit essays and letters for publication in the Torch.

Opportunities with The Torch

There are some paid staff positions, for members of the editorial board. The editor in chief hires all staff positions. Students can get credit through the Cooperative Education program while working on The Torch. Internships are available for reporters, photographers, and graphic designers. Some positions are also available for Federal Work Study students.

Cooperative Education (Co-op) is an educational partnership between Lane Community College, the business community, and Lane students. Co-op links classroom theory and hands-on skills with real job experience. Students earn credit and gain invaluable work experience as an intern in The Torch.


Please contact us or view our Media Kit.



National College Journalism Convention
Two-year College Newspaper
Second Place
San Francisco, Feb.28-March 3, 2013


The Torch 2012 Collegiate Newspaper Contest Awards


The Torch was awarded first place in both the general excellence category and best design for community college newspapers from the Oregon Newspaper Publishers Association in 2010.

Additional awards include:

  • First place: General Excellence, Best Design, Best Section, Best Special Section, Best Cartooning
  • Second place: Best Writing, Best Columnist
  • Honorable mention: Best Cartooning

Contact The Torch